Wells of Revival is a collective of wild ones who are tired of playing church. We have built the equipping center as a hub to empower and disciple. We are building the church - back to what we were called to be.

You have purpose + it's in Him. There is more, lets go deeper.

  • Feeling trapped and overwhelmed is a lie from the pit of hell

  • Feeling nameless and ashamed is a tactic from the enemy to keep you small

  • Feeling empty and with out joy or purpose is a cheap trick he uses to entice you into divination and deception

  • Feeling a lack in your spirit and in your faith is because dead organizations have withheld the power and the presence of the King

WOR WOMEN: The Call (Equipping + Community)

Tuesday's at 8PM PST

Join WOR Women weekly for a powerful time of equipping, discipleship + online community. With this bundle will also have access to The WOR Room which will meet weekly for intercessory prayer.

WOR Women: The WOR Room (Monthly Intercessory Calls)

Last Friday of the Month at 8:00 AM PST

Let's link arms in the WOR Room and pray without ceasing. Join the WOR Women for a time of intercessory prayer.

Meet Your Instructor

Founder / Instructor MJ Gillette

The Lord brought me into a place of freedom through submission and obedience. Several years ago I waked out of fear and left the lies at the alter to be burned away for all eternity. Jesus is truth - the devil is a liar. Now, I walk women through the process of reformation and preparation. I love Jesus, I worship wildly, I have radical faith, I can be a little unfiltered and I walk in my christ authority like an ambassador. I do not play games with the devil and either should you.

WOR Women - The Time is NOW

We Need Reformation - We Need Revival

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